Our NPC product series are WIFI data nodes for PTI organizations, service technicians, safety test operations and the digital workshop network. Among other things, the devices wirelessly transmit the data of a brake tester to the user and his device via the livestream interface. At the same time, Cartesy also offers OEM sensors that can be customized as desired.
In both versions, the NPC combines the ASA network manager (netman) with a hardware solution that has been tested thousandfold in a lightweight, robust case. The device provides a stable wireless network consisting of workshop technology, business management software and end users.
With the NPC-2016, you have the perfect tool for checking the calibration capability (routine testing) and calibration of brake testers. The mobile plug & play solution enables the regulation-accordant verification (according to BPS regulation 2011 and 2021) of the ASA livestream interface of all manufacturers, transmission of the measured values and logging according to regulation specifications.
With a smartphone or tablet you can conveniently retrieve the measured data via WIFI and do not need a PC/laptop, router or other accessories! The free Cartesy Livestream Client Apps can be found in both the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store. With the NPC-2016, we offer you the fastest and most reliable solution for validation/transmission of ASA livestream data, equipped with a stable WIFI-diversity antenna, quick indicator LEDs and an intuitive app.
The full version of the network manager (netman) is included. There are no follow-up or licensing costs, because the device is neither manufacturer- nor user-bound!
We deliver the NPC-2016 in a scratch-resistant and stable ABS plastic case. With the integrated rechargeable battery (runtime > 12h) the device is ready for use the whole day – and due to the embedded magnetic holder the NPC-2016 can be comfortably and safely attached to any metal control cabinet / display cabinet.
With the NPC-2014-NG you can easily connect your brake tester, the SP adapter and the AÜK/SP-Plus program in a stable WIFI network. Brake values and reference pressure are processed and evaluated simultaneously, live in AÜK/SP-Plus. Therefore, a manual recording of the brake values is no longer necessary.
Neither the export function of the brake tester software nor an import function for AÜK/SP-Plus are required.
The Plug & Play Solution allows you to continue working as usual, without interference in your network configuration or workflows. The NPC-2014-NG is fully supported by TAK and AÜK/SP-Plus – the only requirement is an ASA livestream interface. With the NPC-2014-NG, we offer you the fastest and most reliable solution for connecting your brake tester to SP-Plus. The full version of the ASA network manager (netman) is also included. This means that all asa-network capable devices (such as emission testers, headlight tester, etc.) can also be integrated. There are no follow-up or licensing costs, because the device is neither manufacturer- nor user-bound!
We deliver the NPC-2014-NG in a scratch-resistant and stable ABS plastic case. The magnetic holder allows it to be conveniently and securely attached to any metal control and/or display cabinet for permanent installation.
With the NPC LiveStudio App, we present an innovation in vehicle testing technology! This app is a universal, manufacturer-independent brake tester display for smartphones and tablets with many additional functions and modern features.
The app works with any car/truck roller brake tester (equipped with ASA livestream) AND for all manufacturers!
Due to the adaptive design, the app adjusts to the device and can unfold its full functionality on small and large displays. The modern visualization as well as an intuitive user interface allow easy user guidance, as well as an evaluation of the brake efficiency test directly from the vehicle.
Depending on the test equipment, the following measured values are available: Brake force, tire slip, test speed, brake pressures, pedal force, wheel and axle weight.
Cartesy GmbH
Am Industriepark 11
84453 Mühldorf a. Inn
Mit dem NPC-2016 schaffen Sie ein stabiles WLAN-Arbeitsnetzwerk für die Hauptuntersuchung bei Ihren Kunden in Prüfstützpunkten oder in Ihrer Niederlassung. Die mobile Plug & Play Lösung ist voll kompatibel zu FSD Anwendungen und verbindet den Bremsprüfstand (über ASA-Livestream), den HU21-Adapter sowie das Produktivsystem für die Arbeitsprozesse der Hauptuntersuchung.
Der über Jahre entwickelte, intelligente HU-Algorithmus deckt alle HU-Szenarien ab, passt sich individuell an Ihre Prüfumgebung und Arbeitsablauf an und bietet viele weiter Features. Der integrierte Livestream-Manager übernimmt die Kommunikation aller ASA-Livestream Teilnehmer und schickt die Messwerte des Bremsprüfstands live in das Produktivsystem.
Darüberhinaus wird der NPC-2916 mit einer ASA Netzwerkmanager Vollversion ausgeliefert. Somit können zusätzlich alle asanetwork fähigen Geräte (wie AU-Tester, Scheinwerfereinstellgerät uvm.) über den NPC eingebunden werden. Es entstehen keine weiteren Lizenzkosten für den ASA Netzwerkmanager!
Wir bieten die Möglichkeit, ganz nach Ihrem Corporate Design, das Gerät in Farbe und Print zu personalisieren. Das stabile ABS-Kunststoffgehäuse und der integrierte Akku (12h Laufzeit) garantieren lange Lebensdauer, auch im harten Prüfumfeld – durch die eingelassene Magnethalterung lässt sich der NPC-2016 bequem an jedem Metall-Schaltschrank/-Anzeigeschrank sicher befestigen.
Dear Sir or Madam,
we would like to thank you again this year
for your loyalty and trust!
Since we are on company vacation over the holidays, we would like to point out that no goods can be delivered during this time.
Incoming orders will be processed from
January 7th, 2025
The entire Cartesy team wishes you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2025!