






We want to shape the future!

With visionary thinking and taking industrial trends into account, we want to shape the future of testing technology. Driven by our own curiosity, we never come to a standstill and continuously set new standards. Ease of use and an aesthetic look and feel should inspire as much as the universal communication of the different technologies.

Vier Carteay Mitarbeiter beim Fotoshooting


Our vision is to build practical yet stylish products that impress with their intelligence and ease of use. As pioneers, we want to bring our key technologies to bear in every area of life, while offering the user noticeably clear additional value and providing satisfaction.

We care, react quickly and are a permanently reliable partner.

OEM Solutions

Since its foundation, Cartesy has been an OEM supplier for a wide variety of well-known companies in germany and abroad. The consistent focus on the needs of the customer is thus the key to long-term and intensive partnerships and, of course, to customized and innovative solutions that make you a pioneer in your market sector.

Here you will find a selection of our OEM solutions from various work sections, as well as use cases from our research and development departments.

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The protection of your data is important to us. You hereby confirm that we may process your data for the purpose of processing your request in accordance with the Cartesy Privacy Policy.

You can unsubscribe from our newsletter at any time by clicking on the link in the footer of our e-mails. More information on our privacy policy can be found on our website.
Cartesy GmbH logo with a Santa hat on the C

We're on vacation

21.12.24 – 06.01.25

Dear Sir or Madam,

we would like to thank you again this year
for your loyalty and trust!

Since we are on company vacation over the holidays, we would like to point out that no goods can be delivered during this time.

Incoming orders will be processed from
January 7th, 2025

The entire Cartesy team wishes you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2025!

Winter promotion

5% discount

on all products in the store! Discount code: 5winter24