BREAKING NEWS: Since 22.04.2024 our in-house calibration laboratory has been accredited by the DAkkS (German Accreditation Body) according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025!
The new automotive test laboratory of Cartesy GmbH was officially inaugurated today in the presence of employees and guests after a construction period of about one year. The opening ceremony themed “Cartesy-Fair“ was attended not only by company staff but also, among others, by Max Heimerl, District Administrator of the Mühldorf a. Inn district, Thomas Perzl, responsible for district and regional development, and Frank Beaujean, ASA President.
District Administrator Max Heimerl was “deeply impressed”. It is indeed the case, he said, that there are such gems as Cartesy in the small district. “I would like to express my heartfelt congratulations and great appreciation for this new testing laboratory. I’m pleased that we have such outstanding businesses in the county that even operate internationally.”
With the new automotive testing laboratory, Cartesy continues to expand its inspection and testing capacity, combining theoretical research with practical application. At the core of the testing laboratory are modern workshop equipment (such as brake testers, exhaust gas measuring devices and more), which are used for the workshop network. In addition, the laboratory is equipped with the latest testing technology as well as air conditioning, extraction and IT systems.
“With the new test center, Cartesy consistently continues its innovative strategy and makes a valuable contribution to the realization of digitalization concepts for the entire equipment industry”, said Frank Beaujean – President of the German Association of the Workshop Equipment Industry (ASA Association).
As an industry partner, Cartesy accompanies German, but also the international equipment manufacturers very specifically in the development of new technologies.
“In the months to come, we will continue to expand our test equipment portfolio in the test hall to drive technological trends and connectivity. Cartesy is clearly looking into the future of test equipment here!”, says CEO Dimitri Grübel.
After a very quiet 1.5 years, it was a very welcome change for all employees and guests in a relaxed, traditional atmosphere with Bavarian live music. Founder and Managing Director Josef Femböck emphasized during the opening speech: “I am extremely pleased that we have the opportunity to hold a company celebration in this setting. In the new testing hall, we want to make our vision of future testing equipment come alive. A special thank you to all employees and guests!”
BREAKING NEWS: Since 22.04.2024 our in-house calibration laboratory has been accredited by the DAkkS (German Accreditation Body) according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025!
Our new plate brake tester is now available! Approved acc. to Brake Tester Guideline 2021 and equipped with ASA Livestream V1.2.
Since the end of September 2023, we are a member of the Bavaria-wide initiative “Familienpakt Bayern”!
Cartesy GmbH
Am Industriepark 11
84453 Mühldorf a. Inn
Dear Sir or Madam,
we would like to thank you again this year
for your loyalty and trust!
Since we are on company vacation over the holidays, we would like to point out that no goods can be delivered during this time.
Incoming orders will be processed from
January 7th, 2025
The entire Cartesy team wishes you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2025!